Meet Ryan Kilpatrick in our latest AI Partner Spotlight

Ryan Kilpatrick, Partner

What do you do at our company?

I help to lead the firm’s lobbying projects at the State Capitol and across the state, interfacing with the Legislature and local governments. Since becoming a registered lobbyist in 2012, I have helped our clients to navigate legislative and regulatory hurdles and build relationships with policymakers.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

The variety and complexity of projects our team gets to take on day to day. Every member of the AI team brings a unique set of talents to the table and makes our work rewarding. Our ability to work on a contract basis with groups that run the gamut of industries and backgrounds keeps what we do interesting.

What has been your favorite project so far?

Each session presents a unique set of challenges and new projects that are hard to compare. One thing that always adds to the work we do is when we’re able to see a lasting facility or project that resulted from it. Attending a movie at a facility that was made possible by working on a change to Oklahoma’s law on alcohol sales in movie theaters is a nice reminder of one such past project.

Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

My parents both have had careers in Oklahoma state government and public affairs that I had the fortune of being able to admire and try to emulate. My dad, Don, served as a legislator both in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Senate. My mom, Tammie, was Oklahoma’s Deputy Insurance Commissioner prior to beginning her lobbying career in 1995. The ability to learn from their examples and work ethic has been invaluable to my career.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

Despite not trying it out until three years ago, I’m quickly becoming an avid skier. The legislative session schedule in Oklahoma (and our lack of nearby altitude) limits my ability to go too often, but it’s become my favorite outdoor hobby.

What’s a passion of yours? 

Spending time enjoying all Oklahoma City has to offer with my wife, Mary Ellen, and our dog, Maddie. We’re also Thunder season ticket holders, so that’s a common place to find me.

Holly Boyd